Public engagement is critical to the success of the Reboot Reidsville project. City staff and the consulting team are devoted to making sure that anyone who wishes to be involved and share input or feedback on the project may do so at numerous points throughout the process.
The table below summarizes the anticipated public engagement options.

Public engagement during Reboot Reidsville is target to technical experts and interested parties in the earliest stages and broadens to the general public after initial draft materials are ready for consideration.
This webpage is established as a conduit of information about the project, includes draft work products, status updates, and many other elements designed to keep folks informed about our progress. This webpage will be maintained and updated throughout the course of the project.
Another central part of project engagement is the UDO Steering Committee (the City’s Planning Board) who will be meeting at least five times (starting on November 16, 2023) throughout the course of the project to consider draft work products and provide initial reactions to project concepts. All Steering Committee meetings are open to the public and the group will likely make time available at meetings for any in attendance to ask questions or provide comments.
Reboot Reidsville also includes two public forums at key points in the project, such as the Code Assessment and the Annotated Outline. Review of these early documents gives participants an overview of what is proposed while there is still plenty of time to revise proposals or change direction.. All public meetings will take place in Reidsville.
Each draft work product produced for the project will be posted under the Documents tab along with associated presentations and related work products.
The adoption process includes at least two public meetings for interested individuals to attend and share input on the proposed regulations with the Planning Board or the City Council.
The next opportunity for interested parties to participate in person will be at the first public forum to overview the Code Assessment. While the exact date is not yet identified, it is anticipated to be conducted during an early evening meeting in December of 2023. Please check back to the webpage for more details on exact dates, times, and locations.
If you have questions or would like to get more information on how to participate, please provide your question and email in the space below and a member of City staff will get back to you with more details.